Seeking Space Collection
“This collection came to life during a time when the world as we all know it was turned upside down. We found ourselves at home, a lot. For some of us, this abrupt break from the hustle and bustle of life was comforting and welcomed with a sigh of relief. For others, it felt like maybe our walls were caving in on us. We were struggling to take a deep breath and to find space, both mentally and physically.
I started these paintings as “warm-ups” for my actual painting for the day but they quickly stole my attention and affection. Painting with the sole purpose of allowing the paint and water to move freely (with a little bit of salt thrown in there), quickly became a metaphor for me as I tried to navigate life under new perimeters, under a pandemic. Letting go of control and essentially rolling with the punches has become the new normal for all of us.
The “Seeking Space” collection is a series of paintings with expressions of tension, but at the same time ease. Constriction, but also expansion. Confinement, but freedom.
Which painting speaks to you?”